Monday, January 11, 2010

Entri Pertama 2010


Entri terakhir sebelum ni, aku post pada 19 Ogos 2009. Sekarang ni dah 11 Januari 2010. Hampir 5 bulan aku tak update blog nih. Akhirnya, selepas hampir 5 bulan, muncul jugak entri aku kat blog nih.

Memang betul2 busy lah. Sampai takde masa langsung nak update blog. Sebenarnya banyak benda dan cerita yang aku nak kongsi kat blog nih. Tapi hajat tak kesampaian. ngehee~

Ok, sekarang dah masuk hari ke-11 tahun 2010. Tahun baru, aku kena lah update blog ni sket. Mulai sekarang, aku kena rajin sket update blog. (konon)

Azam Tahun Baru

Setiap kali tiba tahun baru, mesti ramai yang set azam baru. Kan? Percaya atau tak, aku tak pernah ada azam tahun baru (seingat aku lah). Sebab kalo aku ade azam pun, aku takkan berjaya buat. So, tak payah lah nak berjanji pada diri sendiri, konon2nya nak buat tu, nak buat ni. Tapi akhirnya tipu diri sendiri.

Tapi tahun ni, tiba2 jer aku terfikir pasal azam baru. Itu pun sehari sebelum tahun baru, baru aku terfikir pasal azam2 nih. Dalam bas on da way nak pegi keje. Ntah kenape ntah. Mungkin sebab masa tu aku terlalu banyak berfikir kot. Fikir masa lepas, masa sekarang dan masa depan. Banyak sangat (banyak masalah) yang aku fikir. So, aku harap tahun 2010 nih akan jadi tahun yang lebih baik dari tahun2 sebelum ni. Aminn...

Ape azam aku? Biarlah aku jer yang tahu. Sebab nanti kalo kecoh sangat, tak jadi plak yang aku rancang tuh. Yang penting, aku nak keje, nak pikir masa depan jer. Dan yang paling penting, aku kena kuatkan hati, kena tabahkan hati, lupakan kisah lama & mulakan hidup baru. Ni semua untuk masa depan aku jugak.

Hidup Baru *memang aku nak mulakan hidup baru!

Sejak beberapa bulan ni, hidup aku dah banyak berubah. Dari hal peribadi, sampai lah hal keje. Semua ni pengalaman yang "sangat bermakna" dan banyak mematangkan aku. InsyaAllah..semua tu akan menjadikan aku seorang yang lebih matang dan lebih "waras".

Keje - setiap hari ke Mahkamah, sangat penat. Bukan setakat penat, malah tersangat lah penat. Terkejar ke sana, terkejar ke sini. Balik office, banyak keje menunggu. Ini baru jer chambering. Belum jadik LA lagi. Bila fikirkan semua tu & cabaran2 yang aku akan hadapi nanti, aku rasa tak nak jer jadik LA. Sekarang pun aku dah rase macam putus asa nak chambering. (or maybe nak tukar firm?) Tapi bila fikir dengan akal yang waras, KITA MESTI BERANI TERIMA CABARAN! yeahh! (semangat lah konon)

Peribadi - Terlalu banyak yang ingin diluahkan di sini. Tapi biarlah aku taip "No comment" sahaje!


Haritu aku *terbukak Yahoo!, ade la tengok horoskop untuk tahun 2010 nih. So, aku pun gatal2 kan lah tangan aku untuk klik kat horoskp tuh. Nak jugak tau ape kate horoskop aku untuk tahun 2010 nih. Bukan nak percaya sangat. Sekadar untuk suka2 sahaje!

Year 2010 Overview

One thing that all Crabs (astrological Cancers or the seafood type of crab) know deep in their hearts is that someone, somewhere out there knows how great it would be to bust them wide open and eat them with melted butter. The big news for you this year, Cancer, is that Pluto has moved into your Seventh House, which rules marriage, partnerships and close relationships. This means that someone may very well be cracking your heart open in the next year.

Cancer has a bit of a reputation for enjoying doom and gloom. You don't. You just seem to get more than your fair share of it. It must be that thick shell of yours. Everyone assumes you can just take it.

The good news is that you earned that reputation because you can take it, and more. And often, your greatest moments come when you have overcome the greatest obstacles. Thankfully, the roadblocks you face in 2010 won't be that devastating, but they'll certainly give you an opportunity to shine. New support and new energy will be entering your life from unexpected and overlooked people and things, and you'll be able to soar above it all!

Pasal Overview nih aku pening sket nak baca. Pluto lah, ape lah. So, aku ignore jer & terus klik kat Career & Romantic. hehee~

Year 2010 Career

As far as your work life goes, 2010 divides up into two nice, clearly defined chunks: the first half of the year is going to present struggles, and the second half will see a boatload of new opportunities. January and February will be a lot of work -- literally and figuratively -- almost as if everyone ignored their jobs during the run up to Christmas, and then decided to drop everything on your desk. Although your relationships with co-workers may be strained at this time, it isn't anything you can't handle. Be careful not to drag too much of that work stress home with you to a partner, particularly in January. Rather than dwell on it, do your best to find a way to take that experience and use it to your benefit.

June and July will bring some exciting opportunities for advancement. You'll be getting more recognition for your efforts, and the possibility of a raise is in store. If you don't have a regularly scheduled salary review planned for that time, things may be going well enough that you might want to bring the subject up anyway. Even the seed of that notion planted then can take root later.

March to May will urge you to really do something about your actual cash-on-hand situation. You'll have both an increased drive to increase your security, and (paradoxically) the urge to overspend. Try to avoid "emotional overspending" during that time, and the rest of the year should work out for you

Maybe ade betulnye kot. Pasal fisrt hal of year, aku kena struggle sket. Memandangkan keadaan aku sekarang yang masih chambering, & aku hanya akan "Long Call" dalam bulan 5 2010 (InsyaAllah..), memang aku kena struggle sket BANYAK lepas nih.

Year 2010 Romantic

After a year in which you felt that you weren't being heard -- whether by a spouse, or your calls for an adequate mate went unanswered -- things will be shaking loose in dramatic manner in 2010. Two eclipses this year will have a particular effect on your relationship with a partner. In January, an eclipse in your Partnership House will bring issues to the forefront. If you have an existing relationship, tensions that have been building will become unavoidable; and if you aren't, you may suddenly find yourself more dissatisfied with that situation (or a new partner may suddenly come into your life). In either case, the more dramatic of the effects may be short-lived but will give you the opportunity to make some long-needed changes.

Pluto also continues its long journey though this department of your life, and Pluto demands change and transformation. Although this doesn't necessarily mean bad news, it will certainly require that you address any issues between you and your partner, and -- maybe more importantly -- that you question within yourself what a committed relationship really means to you. Is it possible you're in the right relationship for the wrong reason? Could you be in the wrong relationship for the right reason? Inner work can be difficult, especially when it involves another person, but ultimately it's always worth doing in the long run.

As far as romance in general goes, however, it's more a good year than a bad one. May and June in particular will see new romantic opportunities coming your way, and will pump new life into a current relationship.

Part of it are TRUE!

p/s* am i in the wrong relationship for the right reason? lol. dah takde maknanye..!!

Ape yang Horoskop korang kate? Sila baca.


Sekarang ni aku dah berjaya membuka perniagaan (cewahh) online. Dah lama aku mengidam nak buat benda ni semua. Cuma masa dan keadaan tak mengizinkan. Blogshop pertama, Nini Couture dah dibukak beberapa bulan lepas. Blogshop kedua, Nini Shoppe baru jer dibuka beberapa hari yang lepas. So, harap kawan2 semua boleh support saya, yer!

Nini Couture - Pre-Order Korean Clothing dan Pre-Order Korean Contact Lens. Starting, aku just jual clothes jer. Then, tambah produk baru - contact lens!
Semua items kat blog ni adalah pre-order basis. So, kena tunggu lama sket lah, baru dapat item yang korang nak tuh. Kalo clothing, lebih kurang 10 hari baru clothes tu sampai. Kalo contact lens plak, dalam 2 - 3 minggu baru sampai. Sometimes, ade jgak delay in delivery. Paham2 jerlah kalo barang pre-order nih, Jauh plak tuh datangnyer. Sape2 yang biasa beli barang pre-order dari oversea, mesti paham pasal period of waiting, kan.
Clothing kat blog nih memang cantik2 & kawaii semuanyer! Sampai aku rasa nak beli jer semua tu. Tapi mana boleh kan. Pokai plak aku nanti. ;p
Contact lens takyah cakap lah. yang aku paling suka; Nudy Series, Angel Series, Barbie Candy Magic Series 15.5mm & Barbie Eye 15.8mm. Pehh,,memang besar lah mata kalo pakai lenses tuh. Nak2 yang Barbie Candy Magic Series 15.5mm & Barbie Eye 15.8mm. Kalo tak caya, sila tanye customer saya. hehee~ ;p
Owh,,saya juge sangat shuke ngan layout blog nih, di mana saya sendiri yang meng-edit template tuh. Kawaii nyer.. saye shuke!! Sangat kena dengan tema blogshop nih - Korean & Kawaii stuff!!

Nini Shoppe - Kat sini saya jual Shawls! Setakat ni, Shawl la dulu. Sebab saya sendiri pun memang suka pakai Shawl. Sangat simple dan senang dipakai. InsyaAllah, akan datang ada lagi items lain & mungkin bulan depan, ada lagi stok baru. Stok yang ada sekarang ni sangat limited. Yerlah, kan baru jer nak start bisnes. hehee~

Semua shalws ni ready stock. You pay today, we will post it out tomorrow!!*

Pada customers saya, mekaceh banyak2. Sila lah melawat blogshop saya lagi, & sila sopping lagi. hehee~ ;)

Pada kawan2 yang masih belum pernah melawat blog-blog saya, jangan segan2 melawat yer. ;p

Blog Yang Tersayang

Pada mulanya aku nak tukar URL blog aku nih. Yerlah, kate nak mulakan hidup baru. URL blog pun kena lah tukar (sebenarnye tak perlu tukar pon). Tapi macam sayang plak kat URL nih. Takpe lah. Maybe next time jer aku tukar.

Tengok plak pada entri aku kat Blog Archieve sepanjang tahun 2009. Owh. Hanya 43 post dari bulan April 2009 sehingga Disember 2009? Sangat pemalas nak update blog!

OK! I think thats all for this moment. Dah cukup lah rasenyer aku meng-update blog dan jugak meng-update tentang diri sendiri di tahun baru nih. InsyaAllah, aku akan rajin meng-update blog lepas nih. Tapi entri yang seterusnya nanti, tak tahu lah aku akan post berapa bulan lepas ni. hehee~~ ;p


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