Tuesday, March 15, 2011

letupan loji nuklear Fukushima. amaran radiasi di Malaysia?

Pagi tadi aku terima SMS dari seorang kawan.

"A nuclear power plant in Fukumi, Japan exploded at 4:30 AM today. If it rains tomorrow or later, don't go outside. If you are outside, be sure that you have rain protectors. It's acid rain. Don't let it touch you. You may burn your skin, lose your hair or have cancer. Please pass, stay safe and remind everyone you know"

Hmm..nuclear power plant kat Jepun meletup, kesan radiasi boleh sampai kat Malaysia ke? Dengan serta merta? Aku bukan pakar untuk comment pasal benda ni.

Aku Google kat internet pasal explosion tu. Jumpa berita ni : Radiation levels affecting Singapore not true.

Wahh~~ SEJIBIK ngan SMS yang aku terima. SMS camtu dah tersebar kat Singapore. Ni antara petikan dari berita tu :

The National Environment Agency (NEA) said that Singapore would not be affected by radioactive rain because Japan's nuclear reactors were located 5,000 kilometres away - a radiation shower would require a complete meltdown of Japan's reactors.

Even in the worst scenario, Singapore would still have official advanced warnings. Dr Benjamin Sovacool, assistant professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, told a local news website that it would take days or weeks for a radioactive cloud to reach Singapore.

Members of the public are advised not to circulate such messages without verifying their accuracy.

Rupa2nya SMS tu dah tersebar ke merata2. Berita (atau khabar angin?) camtu asalnya dari Filipina. Camane lah boleh sampai kat Malaysia, dalam waktu yang singkat plak tu. Bikin kecoh jer.

Untuk berita dari ABC News, click SINI.
Untuk video dari ABC News, click SINI.
Untuk berita dari New York TImes, click SINI
Untuk berita dari Yahoo News, click SINI


  1. bahaya jgak. tapi kat Malaysia tak sampai kot awan kesan radiasi tu. InsyaAllah.... :)
