Tuesday, May 31, 2011

kapal lanun Blackbeard dalam Pirates of The Caribbean 4 betul2 wujud rupanya.

Dua hari lepas aku agak excited bila tengok berita - Sauh kapal lanun Blackbeard, Queen Anne's Revenge  telah dijumpai di persisiran pantai North Carolina. Aku macam...huh? Kapal Blackbeard dalam movie Pirates of The Caribbean 4 : On Stranger Tides tu betul2 wujud? 


Memang ketinggalan keretapi aku nih. Langsung tak tahu kisah2 yang berlaku kat dunia nih. Eh, apekah? Muahahaa~

Ni la ghope nyer sauh kapal Blackbeard tuh. 

Berat 300 paun, kira2 11 kaki, 4 inci panjang dan 7 kaki, 7 inci lebar di bahagian melintang. Dan kerja2 untuk mengeluarkan sauh ni bermula minggu lepas lagi. 

The recovery of the anchor comes a week after the third installation of the wildly popular "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies hit theaters. Blackbeard and his famous ship are both featured in the film.

Hohoo~ baru 3hari lepas tengok cite Pirates 4 nih.

 Kapal Queen Anne's Revenge masa penggambaran Pirates of the Caribbean 4 kat Hawaii.

 Tengkorak siap ada tanduk lagi tuh.

The anchor is located on top of other items that the Queen Anne's Revenge project hopes to recover from the central part of the ship. QAR project director Mark Wilde-Ramsing has said the only remaining parts of the ship — the wooden hull structure, ribs and a plank — are at the bottom of the pile, protected by ballast that was stored there to keep the ship upright. Six cannon and four anchors are also in the pile.

The largest exhibit of artifacts from the shipwreck, which was discovered in 1996, will be shown starting June 11 at the N.C. Maritime Museum in Beaufort. Wilde-Ramsing has said the team hopes to recover all the artifacts by the end of 2012.

 Untuk berita selanjutnya, klik kat bawah nih :-

Dan secara automatiknyer aku jadik berminat plak nak tahu kisah kapal lanun Blackbeard nih.

Pada tahun 1717, Blackbeard telah menawan sebuah kapal Perancis yang membawa hamba abdi. Kapal tu kemudian di namakan Queen Anne's Revenge.

The name may come from the War of the Spanish Succession, known in the Americas as Queen Anne's War,in which Blackbeard had served in the Royal Navy, or possibly from sympathy for Princess Anne, the Stuart claimant to the British throne. Blackbeard sailed this ship from the west coast of Africa to the Caribbean, attacking British, Dutch and Portuguese merchant ships along the way.

Kapal lanun Queen Anne's Revenge mula2 dijumpai pada 21.11.1996 oleh Intersal Inc., sebuah firma private research. Lorr~ dah lama dah rupanya kapal nih dijumpai.

Beberapa meriam dan lebih 16,000 artifak telah dijumpai kat kapal tu, dan kebanyakannya adalah dari British. Berita dari Yahoo News plak cakap, setakat ni lebih 250,000 artifak dah dijumpai. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources dah buat website khas untuk Queen Anne's Revenge nih. Klik  KAT SINI

Kapal Queen Anne's Revenge dah disenaraikan di National Register of Historic Places pada 2004.

Queen Anne's Revenge was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2004. The reference number is 04000148. It is listed as owned by the state of North Carolina and near Morehead City, North Carolina

More details, boleh baca kat sini : WIKIPEDIA.

Nama sebenar Blackbeard ialah Edward Teach atau Thatch, seorang lanun yang beroperasi di kawasan West Indies dan pantai timur Amerika semasa era 1700-an.  Blackbeard telah mendapat pengampunan dari Gabenor tapi lepastu Blackberad jadik lanun balik. Dia kemudiannya telah dibunuh oleh Royal Navy di Ocracoke Inlet pada bulan November 1718, lima bulan selepas kapal Queen Anne's Revenge karam.

Sama tak ngan dalam movie Pirates of the Caribbean 4? Ada la sikit2. Part kena bunuh ngan Royal Navy kot. Walaupun tak sama 100%.


Blackbeard dalam Pirates of the Caribbean 4
Muka ada la iras2 sikit. Penampilan harus la sama.

Kalo ada part2 cerita aku yang salah @ korang tak faham, harap diampun. ;D

Sekian history lesson kita untuk hari ni. Muahahaa~ ;DD

Klik kat sini : WIKIPEDIA.

Ok byeee~~


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