Sunday, December 4, 2011

[MOVIE] The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn Part 1

Akhirnya....setelah seminggu lebih duk sabar nak tengok movie ni, akhirnya hari Jumaat lepas, dapat jugak aku tengok. Sebab tunggu Encik Tunang balik JB. Nak tengok ngan dia la kononnya. Dia pun nak aku tunggu dia. Macam2 lah kan. 


Twilight kalini lebih banyak berkisar tentang perkahwinan Edward & Bella, Bella's pregnancy, her struggle to survive for her unborn child, and to protect Bella & the child from the wolves.

 Bella tengah practice pakai her wedding shoes. 

Bella's wedding shoes designed by Carolina Herrera.

OMG, romantiknyer tengok diorang kawen. Well...maybe sebab aku pun dalam mood nak kawen. Kehkehh~ 

 Bella ter-pregnant.

Konflik mula timbul bila Bella pregnant. Sebab diorang tak tahu pun its possible if manusia boleh pregnant bila kawen & ehem2 ngan vampire.

Bella then discovers she is pregnant which the vamps never knew was possible. She wants to keep the half human-half vampire creature despite Edward’s protestations. He knows the baby will kill her because it is too strong. Bella seems to be cool with this because she expects one of the Cullens to change her into a vampire at the last moment so she doesn’t die. The werewolves are furious when they find out about the baby because the vampires have broken their treaty so they want to fight. Jacob is stuck in the middle between his pack and wanting to save Bella so he decides to go it alone. We see Bella get weaker until she gives birth and dies. But all is not what it seems

Tapi yang tak best dan kecewanya, bila banyak scene yang dipotong. Kalo scene malam pertama tu, ok la. Boleh diterima kalo diorang potong. Tapi part Bella bersalin? Nape potong jugak? Hampeh la. Tengah2 suspen Bella jatuh & patah pinggang & lutut & sempat diselamatkan oleh Edward..........tetiba jer Rosalie tengah dodoikan anak Bella. Eh apedaa... 


Sweetnyer Rosalie dodoikan baby Renesmee.

Tengok trailer2 movie ni, memang suspen tengok kat part Bella nak bersalin tu. Bersalin dengan badan yang dah "hancur" dari dalam. Kesiannya....

By the way, aku rasa movie ni agak 18sx. So, better tak payah bagi budak2 tengok.

Aku rasa movie ni best, tapi tak brape best. Eh, camane tuh. Maybe sebab ceritanya belum habis lagi. Bersambung ke Part 2 pulak. Dan mungkin sebab banyak scene yag dipotong.

Scene yang terakhir, agak menimbulkan tanda tanya. 


Bagi yang dah baca cite ni kat novel, dah tau la pengakhirannya camane nanti. Walaupun aku tak baca, tapi dah tau dah sikit2 Part 2 nanti camane. Hihii~

Tak sabar nak tunggu part 2 pulakk~ Harap2 jangan la dipotong camtu lagi yer.

Ok bye~ 


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