Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's a pink polka dots Hello Kitty car. pengsan~

Can i have the car? Or the debit card? 

Good news to Hello Kitty lovers! *aku ler tu. 

Open an account at Hong Leong Bank, apply for a Hello Kitty debit card, and stand a chance to win these cute loveable and polka dots Hello Kitty car! Its Suzuki Swift, ok.

Well...kalo nak bukak akaun & apply debit card tu boleh jer kan. Tapi nak menang kereta yang oh cute tu??? Satu dalam berjuta la kot. Tak pernahnyer aku bertuah camtu. So, lets daydreams sahaja. T_T


1 comment:

  1. cbe tgok nih .....
